
Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Legal Ramifications of Dishonesty for the Police Officer

The recent recommendation of Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to terminate the seven police officers who lied in the investigation of the Laquan McDonald shooting death by Officer Jason Van Dyke is in step with expectations and outcomes in similar cases. Police officers who lie during the course of their employment have been terminated after disciplinary hearings. Lying during the interview phase or report writing phase of an official department internal investigation has often been the death knell for a police officer's career. In fact, many police departments have a zero-tolerance policy (as they should) that a sustained charge of lying is a terminable offense. Those officers who somehow survive an untruthful moment and, though disciplined, are still employed by their police department often find themselves in the embarrassing and career limiting position of being placed on a "Brady list." The list is so named as a result of the 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case of Brady v. Maryland which placed upon prosecutors an affirmative obligation to disclose to the defense all exculpatory information. This includes not only statements of witnesses and physical evidence, but any evidence that would impeach a prosecution witness. A sustained disciplinary finding that an officer had lied during an internal investigation would merit such disclosure to the defense if the officer was to testify in a criminal trial. As a result, approximately fifteen years ago, police agencies began to develop "Brady lists" and policies for disclosure of those offending officers. 
The fact that an untruthful, dishonest officer is a liability to any police agency is a statement made without argument. Similarly, that same officer is a threat to the populace he or she is sworn to serve and protect. The U.S. Supreme Court recognized the importance of integrity in the governmental workplace in LaChance v. Erikson, 522 U.S. 262 (1998) wherein the Court held that a government agency can take adverse administrative action against an employee because the employee made false statements in response to an underlying charge of misconduct. However, this only refers to administrative actions against the officer--what about criminal penalties? While the potential loss of employment is a heavy factor for anyone to consider, the reality of imprisonment is likely weightier. What would be the potential charge an officer could face? Perjury or any other criminal charge linked to lying generally requires there be some oath or affirmation involved. An example would be testimony in court or before a grand jury. An officer caught lying in one of those forums could expect swift reaction from the prosecution in the form of a criminal complaint. But, internal administrative proceedings are not in the same league and, even though most oral interviews of officers contain some preamble about the contents being an official record and that any false statements are punishable at law, this rarely, if ever, results in a criminal charge against the officer. State penal statutes dealing with dishonest testimony or false witness accounts are fairly narrowly written. Still, that does not mean a lying officer is in the clear. Prosecutions can resort to an obstruction of justice charge which is generally somewhat broader in its application and would readily apply to the situation where an officer lied about the facts and circumstances surrounding the deadly use of force by a fellow officer against an individual. Yet, even this course of action against an officer may not be so clear cut depending upon the relevant state law.      
A recent case out of the Michigan Supreme Court highlights my prior point. In 2009 a Detroit police officer while on duty assaulted a person who made a complain to the police department. An internal investigation followed and the officer made statements denying the allegation. These statements were made under the threat of being fired if he did not submit to a statement. Two other officers who were present during the alleged incident also provided untruthful statements to internal affairs investigators. The initial officer was subsequently charged with misdemeanor assault and battery and obstruction of justice and the other two officers were charged with obstruction of justice. On June 22, 2016 the Michigan Supreme Court, in three consolidated cases, People v. Harris, People v. Little and People v. Hughes, held that the obstruction of justice charges against the officers were to be dismissed since the charges were predicated upon the forced statements the officers were required to provide. Since the obstruction of justice charge could not be sustained without the use of the officers' administrative statements it had to be dismissed. In their appeal the officers asserted their 5th Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution and the statutory protection under the Disclosures by Law Enforcement Act (DLEOA). The DLEOA is a Michigan statute (MCL 15.391 et seq.) which states that involuntary statements by law enforcement officers and any information derived from that statement cannot be used against the officer in a criminal trial. Clearly this is a significant legal protection for a police officer and an expansive grant of immunity from prosecution. The fact that the officers had to submit to a compelled statement under threat of termination during the internal investigation is enough to make it an involuntary statement. The Michigan Supreme Court, in an acknowledgement of the incongruous result, wrote, "We understand how this result may be viewed as unpalatable. But as this Court has long made clear, our statutory analysis i controlled by principles of interpretation, not palatability of outcomes...This choice may seem odd, or reflective of questionable or even bad public policy, but it was the Legislature's choice to make." The plain fact of the matter is that while it may be easy to terminate a lying officer prosecuting the officer for the actual lie is a whole different and more complex matter.
The DLEOA statute, enacted in 2006, appears to codify the protections outlined by the U,S Supreme in Garrity v. New Jersey,  385 U.S. 493 (1967). However, it begs the question as to whether Garrity sought to protect public employees from the use of false statements as opposed to incriminating statements. There is a world of difference between the two and it is a subject worthy of further analysis and comment. Stay tuned.